Improv MKE has Jams twice a week and you can sign up right on our booking page! Sundays at 1pm CST and Wednesdays at 7pm CST! They are open to all skill levels and abilities.
The Drip Ins
The Drip Ins are a weekly improv Drop In taught by a Black Improv Instructor! Come get reps, learn skills for improv and life!
The Drop Ins
The Improv MKE Drop ins are skill based Improv Drop ins to help you hone skills, more creativity, fun and make new friends and connections. Come prepared to have fun, learn from Michelle and instructors around the world!
Coming Soon! Stay tuned for teams and regular shows! Right now you can see Michelle perform weekly with the, How Was Your Week crew on the WG Improv School Twitch Channel.
Check out this page for updates!
Thank you all for checking us out! So much more to come!
The Jam
We have had over 70 Jams at Improv MKE! Come Join us!